Nov 19, 2013

Carol Szathmari

Carol Szathmari (1812-1887) was a painter, lithographer and   He is photographed landscape, battlefield as well as the troops and commanders of both Turkish & Russian. Worlds first war photographer during Russian-Turkish war at 1853 to 1856 (Crimean War). He was targeted by the Turkish military, they misunderstood Szathmari is Russian spy and also he was escaped from the gunners.

His three photographs were placed in the New York “International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House”.  His first photo exhibition was held at Paris World Exposition of 1855. Szathmari offered his photographs to Queen Victoria, to Emperors Napoleon III and Franz Josef I.

Sep 11, 2013

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister | Member of Parliament | Statesman | Soldier | Journalist | Historian | Author Painter | Eminent Speaker  

Sir Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965) is one of the great wartime leaders of Britain during 2nd world war. He was received Nobel Prize in Literature, served in army during world war I and also Prime minister of Britain from (1940-1945) and (1951-1955). In 1895 Churchill was travelled to Cube to observe the Spanish war against the Cuban guerrillas, then transferred to India at 1896, 1898 Egypt, and 1899 South Africa then back to Britain. He was severed in several honorable positions in British government as well as British Military. His inspired speech attracts Britain youth to join in army and war against the Nazi during 2nd world war. Historical person who is consider as a “Great Briton”. Also “Honorary Citizen of United States”.

May 27, 2013

Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar (1949 – 1993) was a God father of Cocaine,  Narcoterrorist, Lord of drugs, politician and richest criminal in Colombia. He is the first person who started drug trafficking in a professional methods and also he found the organization called “Medellín Cartel” which controls the drug trafficking all over the world.  It controls 80% of world drug trafficking in the world. He gains such a highest popularity by helping the Colombian poor people and he builds schools, churches, hospitals... He was convicted for several crimes Drug trafficking and smuggling, assassinations, bombing, bribery, racketeering, money laundering, murder, political corruption. He was assassinated by the Colombian police and paramilitary in the Medellin city in 1993.

Feb 3, 2013

Shan Jahan

Shah Jahan is one of the most famous legendary king in Indian History. His Full name is “Ala Azad Abul Mushafar Shahab-ud-din Muhammad Shah Jahan”

Shah Jahan (1592 – 1666) was a fifth Mughal Emperor, Son of Jahangir and Grand son of “Akbar the Great”. He also conquered to expand his territories and maintain the cultural harmony with all like his grandfather Akbar. He was well known for his architectural works mainly Taj Mahal (Wonder of the World), Red fort, Jama Mosque (Kashmir)…

He built Taj Mahal for his beloved wife “Mumtaz Mahal”. Finally one of his sons prisoned him in Agra at 1965 until his death at 1966.

Jan 18, 2013

Shi Huang

Qin Shi Huang is well known for his creation “Great Wall of China” one of the world wonders.

Shi Huang (259 BC – 210 BC ) originally called “Zhao Zheng” was A Chinese king who ruled the “State of Qin”. At the age of 13, he became the King during the war period of China and also he was the first king of Unified or Joint China from 246 BC till he died. He declared himself as a unified China’s First emperor. Li Si is chief advisor of Shi Huang, they joined together and Made a great economic and political reform in China mainly the infrastructure. He burned and buried many ancient books as well as the scholars to avoid the Comparisons of his kingdom with past rulers.

Shi Huang built “The Great Wall of China” (220BC – 206BC) within 14 years.