The solar storm is one of the significant events in world history. The solar storm is origin from the sun which releases the enormous amount of energy towards the earth frequently, these storms may affect our earth magnetic field cause heavy damages on our current communication system and expose huge Arora in the sky all over the world.

During Sep 1 and 2, 1859, Solar storm hits the earth with huge energy which affects the telecommunication system and electric grids like the telegraph and wired communication. Few events were remarkable, telegraphs sent messages automatically, most of them were not worked properly and telegraph papers where burned. This caused heavy damages in the western economy, and the Arora creates panic among the people.
According to NASA scientists Dr. Alex Young " these solar flares happening every day in the sky, our atmosphere is too thick as well as our earth magnetic field is soo strong and it can able to protect any kind of radiation from the sun. But also we consider these issues and studying the Solar flare 24x7. if we face heavy storm may cause drastic damage in our communication system".